Since 2017, The Biocodex Microbiota Foundation rewards national research initiatives which aim to understand the interaction between microbiota and different pathologies. By promoting scientists from around the world at a key moment in their career, the grant seeks to motivate researchers to continue to explore the world of gut microbiota.

The annual call for proposals is carried out in countries where Biocodex has a subsidiary presence. An independent local scientific committee – made up of individuals recognized for their expertise in the microbiota field – gathers all proposals and selects the winning project to be granted. 

Biocodex Microbiota Foundation in collaboration with Biocodex Microbiota Institute put national winners in the spotlight through testimonies and interviews!

Have a look here

National grant_banner
National GrantNational research grant
Scientific research around the world

Since 2017, The Biocodex Microbiota Foundation rewards national research initiatives which aim to understand the interaction between microbiota and different pathologies. By promoting scientists from around the world at a key moment in their career, the grant seeks to motivate researchers.

Granted projects


Oliwia Zakerska-Banaszak
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2023 Poland winner Dr. Oliwia Zakerska-Banaszak

Does COVID-19 in patients with ulcerative colitis lead to changes in the composition of the intestinal microbiota metabolome predosposing to symtoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Dr. Craig E. Wheelock
2023 Nordics winner Associate Professor. Craig Wheelock

Effect of novel microbiota-derived octadecanoid lipid Mediators and their functional impact on the gut mucosa

Dr Licona
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2023 Mexico Winner Dr. Cuauhtemoc Licona-Cassani

Transmission of Antibiotic Resistance in the Breast-Intestine Axis and its Relationship with Early Neonatal Colonization in the Transitional Period

France 2023_winner ceremony
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2023 France winner Dr. Candice Tetard

Impact de l'antibiothérapie per partum sur le microbiote et mycobiote du lait maternel et sur l'évolution du microbiote et mycobiote intestinal du nouveau-né

Dr. Charlene Roussel
canada flag
2023 Canada Winner Dr. Charlène Roussel

PEARL-UTI: Probing the Essential and Adaptive Role of gut, vaginal microbiomes, urobiomes and mucus-like niches in the development of urinary tract infections in early adulthood women: a translational investigation

Charysse Vandendriessche
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2023 Belgium winner Dr. Charysse Vandendriessche

Bacterial extracellular vesicles as biomarker for Parkinson's disease


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2022 USA Winner Dr. Harikesh Dubey

Does microbiome composition moderate CNS structure and function in a VPA-induced mouse model of autism?

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2022 Poland winner Mgr Anna Rychter

Assessment of the intestinal microbiome enterotype and the ability to break down starch in a weight reduction program using nutritional intervention and probiotic therapy in obese women