Granted projects
Intestinal microbiota as a target for the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Метагеномный анализ изменений микробиома кишечника у больных желчнокаменной болезнью до и после холецистэктомии
Commensal bacteria in the attenuation of intestinal inflammation - molecular mechanisms of functionality of isolated novel strains
Gut microbiota in relation to early growth and development of childhood obesity
Etude de la mise en place du microbiiote intestinal chez les nouveau-nés prématurés exposés à une antibiothérapie et hospitalisés au service de néonatologie
Effect of bacterial re-colonization in rats subjected to stress during early life
Utilisation de la protéine bactérienne MAM comme biomarqueur de l'inflammation intestinale au cours de la maladie de Crohn
Determine the effect of pre-CD microbiota on physiological responses in the T-cell transfer model of colitis
The duodenal microbiome and effect of proton pump inhibitors in healthy volunteers and functional dyspepsia patients