Two microbiota profiles have been identified among
newborns: some children have high bacterial diversity
and few antibiotic-resistant bacteria. And for others,
the opposite is true: lower bacterial diversity and
many resistance genes.
A link was established between mothers who
took antibiotics during pregnancy and this latter
microbiota profile.
This observation gave rise to a question: why is an
increase in antibiotic resistance associated with lower
bacterial diversity?
Søren Johannes Sørensen’s team went on to demons-
trate that the majority of resistant bacteria were from
the Escherichia coli family. Among infants with high
antibiotic resistance, this bacterial family was dominant
during the early months of life, creating so-called
“immature” microbiota characterized by low bacterial
Longterm monitoring of those children showed
that immature microbiota in early life made altered
immunity more likely For example they had a higher
risk of developing asthma
This research has paved the way for new forms
of prevention that seek to reduce antimicrobial
resistance in early childhood As a result it has
helped build up a knowledge base that will prove
essential to reducing antimicrobial resistance
The next major challenge is to identify the location
of the resistance genes
“Having a pet in the family
or living in the countryside
are advantages when it comes
to fighting antibiotic resistance.”
Søren Johannes Sørensen
Antibiotic resistance is currently one of the most
serious threats to global health. The WHO
has declared it to be a top priority. Misuse of these
medicines by people and animals speeds up
the process: a growing number of infections such
as pneumonia and tuberculosis are becoming
difficult to treat
Antibiotic resistance,
a plague
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacteria that lives
in the digestive tract While most E coli strains are
harmless some can lead to health problems
in humans However a few strains can cause
serious food poisoning They are usually passed
to humans through contaminated food
Escherichia coli